Sunday, March 18, 2012

Zen and the Art of Renaming a Blog

Do not adjust your television sets; you have, in fact, reached Zen and the Art of Cloth Diaper Maintenance.  I’ve just renamed it The Grey Seeker.  I’ve been feeling a bit stifled lately.  I have wanted to start a blog for years, but only found the courage and will to do so when I started writing about parenting stuff.  I love writing on subjects like homebirth, breastfeeding, and cloth diapers.  I still want to talk about those things because they’re still a big part of my life. 

But I also need to talk about other fascinations in my life -- history and philosophy, politics and society, spirituality and trees, lions, tigers, and bears.  We have an owl that likes to sit on our flagpole at dusk and hoots at his or her mate, perched in another tree in the neighborhood.  I HAVE to write about that.  I get so excited about my latest cooking and crafting adventures, but I can’t talk about cooking and crafting on a blog named Zen and the Art of Cloth Diaper Maintenance.  It just doesn’t work in my mind; it doesn’t compute.  The result is a semi-abandoned, yet truly loved (by me) blog.

It's more than that, though.  I'm spending more time coming up with catchy titles and themes than I am writing about what is on my mind and in my heart.  I'm stealing from paying homage to works of art I admire, instead of showing people who I really am.  I'm hiding, and I don't want to hide anymore.

It’s time for a change.  Not something to replace Zen and the Art of Cloth Diaper Maintenance, but something to include it and more.  The Grey Seeker.  A place where I can talk about cloth diapers.  A place where I can talk about my zen garden.  A place where I can talk about whatever I want and, as always, try to find the balance, the Zen, the Grey of life. 

And I’m not going to change it again in another six months.  Really.  I’m not. 

Oh, who am I kidding? I've already changed it again twice in the past hour.  I guess what I'm trying to say here is: Under Construction Till Further Notice.  And possibly forever.


  1. Helloooo there, I think I like you.
    It's the last bit that got me: Under construction till further notice. And possibly forever - describes my life perfectly!

  2. Well Hi, kloppenmum! I've really been enjoying your blog as well and am honored to see you here! Thanks for stopping by.


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